Terms of Service
Welcome to Prestige-Boosting! Before you engage with our services, please take a moment to review our Terms of Service. By using our website and services, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions:

1. Service Usage
1.1. Prestige-Boosting provides League of Legends boosting services that are designed to help clients improve their in-game rankings and performance.
1.2. By utilizing our services, you acknowledge that you are the owner of the account or have obtained explicit permission from the account owner to use our services on their behalf.
1.3. You must provide accurate and complete information during the ordering process to ensure smooth delivery of the boosting service.

2. Account Security and Confidentiality
2.1. Prestige-Boosting takes the security and confidentiality of your account seriously. Our boosters will follow strict protocols to protect your account information and maintain its privacy.
2.2. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account credentials and for any activities that occur on your account during or after the boosting service. Prestige-Boosting will not be liable for any unauthorized use of your account.

3. Prohibited Activities
3.1. Engaging in any form of hacking, cheating, or exploiting game mechanics is strictly prohibited.
3.2. You must not disclose any account information or details related to the boosting service to any third parties.
3.3. You must not disrupt the experience of other players or violate the terms of service set forth by Riot Games, the publisher of League of Legends.

4. Refunds and Compensation
4.1. Prestige-Boosting strives to deliver high-quality services and meet client expectations. However, we do not guarantee specific results or rankings.
4.2. Refunds or compensation may be offered under specific circumstances, such as failure to start or complete the boosting service within the agreed-upon timeframe. Refunds will be provided at the sole discretion of Prestige-Boosting.

5. Termination of Service
5.1. Prestige-Boosting reserves the right to terminate or suspend services at any time due to any violation of the Terms of Service or any other misconduct that may harm the reputation of the company.
5.2. In case of service termination, you may be entitled to a partial refund, subject to the nature and progress of the boosting service.

6. Limitation of Liability
6.1. Prestige-Boosting shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use or inability to use our services.
6.2. You acknowledge that engaging in boosting services may violate the terms of service set by Riot Games, and any penalties or consequences imposed by Riot Games are not the responsibility of Prestige-Boosting.